Tuesday, July 7

Couple of changes....

Hi!! I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! July 4th is a special time for our country and I LOVE it!! I am sorry I haven't had more posts, but there has been so much going on (more about that later).
I have a couple of things I want everyone to know about.
The first one is that we are not going to take more than 45 items at a time. Things are so hectic, that in order for everyone to get things out, we have to limit the amount of time we can spend per person.
The second thing is that July is the last month we will be taking in "summer" items. It is almost time for Back-To-School, so we will be needing our space for fall items. August 3rd will be the first day we will begin accepting fall things.
I would also like to mention that I will NOT be accepting ANYTHING the last week of July. The entire week of July 26-August 1, I won't be taking anything in. This is to make sure we have every one's things out from the summer.

Those are some things I just wanted everyone to be aware of. If you have any questions, you can call or email or comment below!

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